Mano pirmagimis Kasparas sugebėjo gimti kovo 8 tąją ir dar Kovo 8tosios ligoninėje tais laikais, kai ši diena buvo didžiausia šventė. Taip kovo 8 oji didžiausia šventė man ir liko:)
Ką gi, pasirodom, kaip paaugom....
My first born Kasparas was born on the 8th of March at the hospital which name was "The 8th of March" - the times when this day was the biggest celebration of the year (the Day of Woman ). So that's why the 8th of March is still one of the most important days for me:)


Ir mano simboliška dovanėlė jam:)
Casey Buonaugurio "Little Prince"
My little present for Kasparas:)

26 komentarai:
Ech... tikras mano svajonių jaunikis..... ;) Su gimtadieniu Kasparai!!!
It's a Happy Birthday to your son, a very handsome young man, and a Happy Mom's day to you too. Every time it's our child's birth-day, it's our birth-day too, full of sweet remembrances. Lovely photos.
Happy Birthday to Kasparis.
Hi Loreta,
what a handsome young man, .... and what a lovely present for him this king frog! A corresponding present for a prince ....
Greetings from Austria
Happy Birthday to Kasparis~~~
Happy Birthday to Kasparas!
I just happened on your site, and see it's your sons birthday! I hope he had a good day. Love the site.
Gražaus gimtadienio dideliam mažajam sūneliui :D. O dovana kaip tikram princui ;)
Gražus sūnus Kasparas, tikra dovanėlė moterims :D
С Днем Рождения!!!
gražuolis sūnus:)varlė karalienė jau yra, belieka tik bučinys:)
nugis labai gražus bernas :D šauniai vaikų parduotuvėj išsirinkot :)
Happy birthday young man. That frog is awesome!!! Really love it.
Sveikinu laimingą mamą (gi jas labiausiai reikia sveikint vaikų gimtadienio proga, ane?) ir gerokai ūgtelėjusį Kasparą! Kad kiekvieni nauji metai būtų vis geresni už praėjusius :)
Dovana labai šauni :)))
I had imagined Kasparas was much younger. He looks a very handsome young man and shares the same kind of beard with my son... who was born on the day of St Amour - I was very pleased with the notion, same as you must be with Kasparas being born on 8th March !
Happy Birthday to Kasparas - what a handsome young man! Love the Frog Prince!
Happy birthday to Kasparas! very nice young man:o) congratulation!
(I have two little boy)
Happy birthday to your son, Loreta!
Happy birthday Kasparas, what a handsome young man
your gift for him is lovely
happy birthday Kasparas...
What a lovely prince-frog... So cute!!
Your children are very good looking and Kasparas is no exception. Happy belated birthday to him, and these are wonderful photos.
Лорета, какой красавчик! С ума сойти! Мне понравился твой юмор (о подарке!) Фотки чудные!..
Kaip gražu!!! Nesakysiu kas... ;) Ai, pasakysiu, abu ;)
Šauni mamos dovana šauniam sūnui! Linkiu, Loreta, kad visada galėtum didžiuotis sūnum...
This must be the most beautifully stitched frog I have ever seen. Loreta, could you e-mail me to tell me where this design is from. I would love to stitch it for my mom that adores frogs for her 63rd birthday. It would be just perfect for her. She lives in South-Africa and I am in France. I miss her so.
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