Na ką gi - burtai lėmė, kad dovanėlė keliaus į Japoniją - Yuko
I was not expecting so much congratulations. Thank you very much!
So the draw has decided that little present goes to Japan to Yuko

Ir siurprizas - dar dvi mažos dovanėlės - smeigtukinės - atitenka:
A surprize - another two small gifts - pincushions - go to:
DOVILEI - parašiusiai prieš metus laiko kovo 7ąją man pirmąjį komentarą : čia
DOVILĖ - who has written a first comment on this blog one year ago - on march 7th: here

"Tiny Teacup" "Ewe&Eye&Friends", I have chosen colors by myself

CINDY F. - jos komentaras paskutinis, parašytas šiandien
CINDY F. - who has posted last comment today (Cindy, please write me yours address)

From "Little Blue House" "Ewe&Eye&Friends", I have chosen colors by myself

26 komentarai:
Nuostabios dovanos nuostabioms merginoms!!! Sveikinimai! Congratulations!
Congratulations to all the lucky winners. : )
vos nuo kėdės nenusiverčiau:O
čia tai bent siurprizas Loreta!!! nežinau nei ką ir besakyti AČIŪ AČIŪ AČIŪ! ir dar tokia dovana:))))
congratulations Yuko!
the pincushion with the bird is so pretty..I adore the blue you choose for the flower
Great giveaway! Great gifts!
Congrat to all who won!
Na tikrai šauniai sugalvota, mažos dovanėlės ištikimoms gerbėjoms. Kai toks oras už lango, pamačius tokius darbus, taip šilta ir gera pasidaro :) Labai šiltas ir mielas puslapis kaip ir pati Loreta, bei Jos nuostabi šeima.
Sveikinuuuu! :)))
Congratulaaations! :)))
Kaip sauniai sugalvojai dar ir staigmenas padaryti. Labai grazus darbai.
Sveikinimai Yuko ir malonių staigmenų sulaukusioms Dovilei ir Cindy!
Congratulations to Yuko, Dovile and Cindy!
Well done and congratulations to all the winners, how lucky they are to get one of your lovely pieces.
Well done and congratulations to all the winners, how lucky they are to get one of your lovely pieces.
Wonderful gifts!!
Congratulations!!!! :)))
Congratulations girls!!!!!:)))
Congratulations to all the winners!!!!
tai nori pasakyt, aš nieko negausiu?!! <_<
Maravilhoso, Tree jolie, beatiful, Hermoso, não tenho mais palavras para descrever este blog.... simplesmente lindo. um grande abraço de Maria Filomena
Really! OH MY WORD!!! WooHoo!
I'm so excited:) and it's such a pretty pincushion! I collect pincushions!!!
Loreta, I have always wanted something you've stitched! Your work is amazing!! Thank you so much!
Please email me and I will give you my address:)
Fabulous gifts, congratulations to the winners!
They're wonderful gifts - congratulations to all!
WOW WOW!!! Loreta!
I'm SO surprised that I won the gift!!!
How amazing is this!!
I'm so happy to have your wonderful work, I'm so exciting now!!! WOo hOo!
Thank you SO much, Loreta!
Loreta, The lovely Christmas Card that you sent me is my home, but now I'm at my mum's home, so could you e-mail me, please?
I will let you know my mum's home address!
Thanks xx
Congratulations to Yuko, to Dovile and to Cindy on winning such wonderful gifts!
congratulation to Yuko, and the other lucky persons:o)
thank you for the possibility:o)
Congratulations girls!
What lovely surprises! Colors are so spriny and looking at them makes me happy!Congratulations to all winners!
Congratulations Yuko, and the others winners.
From Barcelona
Congratulations Yuko, and the others winners.
From Barcelona
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