Today I am more than happy to feature and announce a give-away of a beautiful Son de Flor dress coming from the Son de Flor brand created and developed by my daughter Elzė and her friend Vaida. I was never a big fan of words and rather of views, thus I kindly invite you to take a walk in their recently launched web-store www.sondeflor.com and listen to their stories on www.facebook.com/sondeflor. And if you share the name of your favorite flower in the comments below, you might win a Son de Flor dress of your choice by the 7th of July.

47 komentarai:
Какое чудо! Как они прекрасны! как вдохновенны!
Так же как и цветы!Мой любимый цветок - хризантема! Люблю цвет, запах, форму!
Мне очень нравятся платья для маленьких девочек! Мой цветок - Анютины глазки, очень нежный...
Beautiful simplicity. Love the buttons and the sleeves length. My favorite flower is freesia.
What a beautiful collection. I would be honoured to wear a dress like this. My favourite flower is a daffodil, I love this flower as it signals the start of Spring and the changing of seasons.
Wow! The dresses and the kids)) are so sweet!
As for the flowers, I love the lavender, the peonies and the white lilies... Oh! And the cherry blossom, of course!!
Lilac! The dresses are truly amazing!
WOW. What a wonderful dress. I like it very much.
My favourite flower - is forget-me-not
My favourite flower is the Himalayan blue poppy. What a lovely giveaway. Good luck, little petals!
How sweet) My favourite flower is tulip)
Good luck to the girls in their business!
I love thistles )
Beautiful collection!
My favorite flower is hard to choose, I love them all - but Foxgloves and Hollyhocks... I got to have them in my garden!
Beautiful and timeless, which I love.
Favorite flower is peony.
Very beautiful and stylish photos! The girls in these dresses are so cute! My favorite flowers are tulips. I adore to grow them in our garden.
Provence chic. Beautiful, simple and cosy. Every flower is a nature's miracle. Love simple fields flowers: cornflower, poppy, tinkerbell. For every season I have my favourite flower : spring- mimosa, summer - peony, autumn - iris and winter-snowdrop.
Congratulations to your daughter and her friend on starting their business! I love their classic styles of their designs! My favorite flower is the California Golden Poppy.
I just discover you on IG and I'm already totally in love with your beautiful clothes and dreamy universe. My favourite flowers are of course my daughters, Célia Fleur and Rose Violette, but my favourite to smell is lilac.
How exciting for your daughter and friend - I wish them much success! The dresses are beautiful - so timeless. The photos are lovely. My favorite flower is the pansy. Wishing you a lovely week!
Lovely dresses! Congratulations and best of luck with the business! :)
My favourite flowers are lilacs. Their scent is simply divine :)
Good luck to the girls in their business!
600+ Cool Funny Animals Images World Largest Package
Beautiful dresses! And my favorite lower is chrysanthemum
Ir aš norėčiau tokios suknelės :)
Sėkmės Elzei ir vaidai :)
All your photos are so-so beautiful! Love it, love your style! Cool!
Your photo of the young woman in the red dress in the bluebell wood is breathtaking...a beautiful work of art. It has the aura of a lovely painting. All of these are beautiful, but that one is my favorite. It transcends photography.
Such a beautiful dress and exquisite stitching. My favourite flower is freesia. 🌾
Vien tik mėlyna akyse.
Žemėj, ore ir danguj
Daugiau nieko nebmatysi —
Vien tik mėlyna akyse...
Užsimerksi, pamąstysi,
Nusijuoksi, o paskui —
Vien tik mėlyna akyse
Žemėj, ore ir danguj...
Mano pati mylimiausia gėlė tai rugiagėlė, tokia kukli ir tuo pačiu nuostabi, ir tas šių gėlių garsas.. : )) <3 <3 <3
My favorite flower is baby's breath! Thanks for sharing your beautiful shots! And the dresses are lovely, I am popping over for a look now!
Such beautiful photos are always found on your pages. My favorite flower is the rose, in particular, Abraham Darby xxBrenda
My favorite flower is probably a rose.
honingharmony at gmail dot com
I like all flowers but recently I've fallen in love with Forget-me-not ..
Oh! I forgot to name my favorite flower. It is lilac.
These photographs and the stories they tell are heart breakingly sweet! And which is my favorite flower? Is it possible to pick one? Pink and peach colored English roses (but all of them, really), forget-me-nots, lilacs... I'm sure as the season keeps spinning, I'll change my mind again. It's like this every year. ;) Asters!!! <3 :)
I just chanced upon the beautiful clothes and poetic photos of Son de Flor via DaWanda, and looked through all the images on their Instagram and Facebook pages--am so in love! I adore all flowers as it is about impossible to compare one with another (they are all unique in their own ways), but if I must pick one that carries a special meaning to me, my favourite flower is a white lotus.
Thank you for this lovely giveaway, and again I am really pleased to discover Son de Flor. :-)
Best wishes,
I love wild camomiles, especially when they are brought from the field by my husband :) But to be honest, I prefer watching any flowers when they grow in a garden, field or wherever - rather than cut flowers. I like them being alive.
Best wishes to your daughter and her friend. The dresses they make are great!
I love fresias, for their scent. The dresses are beautiful, understated and comfortable. Would love to win. Sandrarobben@hotmail.com
Hi, I'm Kyla from Nastiin studio:
I'm so happy to discover your blog with so beautiful pictures, full of inspiration and beautiful calmness. Your daughter's shop is very beautiful too.
My favorite flowers are daisies :)
Such pretty dresses! And gorgeous photos of them! My favorite flowers are wildflowers, whichever ones are blooming at the time I absolutely fall in love with them!
Absolutely stunning dresses!
My favorite flower is lavender. I love the smell and how soft, delicate, and airy they look. I just recently used them as our flower in my wedding this past march. A lavender wreath adorns our front door too.
Очень красиво! так женственно! С удовольствием участвую http://littlejoybigfamily.blogspot.ru/
Il mio fiore preferito e' la peonia, ce ne sono state tante al matrimonio di mia figlia, questo sabato.
Complimenti e saluti dall'Italia
Daises are my favorite flowers.
Ромашки, ромашки!!! Они чудесны:) Прекрасного лета!
I love peonies most of all, they are just the most romantic flowers ever to me :)
PS Welcome to http://magicatticdesign.blogspot.com/
Son de Flor was sweeter when you had it. : -)
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