Mano naujoji meilė - Madam Chantilly. Noriu išsiuvinėti VISUS jos dizainus! Kol kas, laukdama pirmųjų žibučių, siuvinėju nuostabų pavasarinį "Printemps". Paukščiukas, kiaušiniai, kiškutis, žibuoklės... Ech...
Printemps (Madam Chantilly), Natural Belfast Linen, DMC, Mill Hill Beads
I fell in love with Madam Chantilly from the first glance. I want to stitch ALL off her designs! Now I am working on "Printemps" and waiting for the first spring bloom.
14 komentarų:
Oh, I am really impressed by your work, i love your photos. Are full of sensitivity...Congratulations
Waw, you love Madame Chantilly too!!!! You know I'm also her 'model stitcher'?! I find her patterns very amazing! :)
She's very talented, I love her to!!
Loreta!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Loreta, you are my myth of photography! I love your blog and I can not believe you're embroidering one of my charts!!! I'm going crazy with joy! I can only say thank you!
What onor!!! :-D
Очень нравятся дизайны от Madame Chantilly.Очень красивая работа и фотографии.Спасибо!
A truly inspirational blog.
I will follow, you should follow me too.
How wonderful~~~~~~
tikrai įkvepiantys dizainai, labai gražiai atrodo, lauksim visų trijų pavasarinių "burbulų":)
Dear Loreta, I'm a friend of Rossana (Madame Chantily), you can't imagine how much she is happy now :-))))))
We all love your blog and phographs...
Нежненько так. Сиреневенькое как в дымке )))
Nuostabus dizainas, tikrai pavasariškas - labai laukiu ir kitų :)
A wonderful design, and your stitching is as beautiful as always! I was not familiar with Madam Chantilly. Thank you for sharing this.
Ca donne envie d'apprendre le point de croix
Kinds regards
Jooles, I do not know where you can buy charts in the UK. I am usually buing them at:
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