Kaip gražu :) Lauksime daugiau nuotraukyčių iš šios serijos :)
Idiliška diena
it's my first time on your blog so i'm reaaly impressed. you're obviously talanted and i'm truly happy to find you here ;)
I found you on Flickr and I'am impressed. You are very talented person, I love the way join you my two passion - photography and cross stitching and crafts. You create a beautiful things and I will be wisiting your creative blog.
Совершенно потрясающие фотографии! Браво!!!
Kaip gražu :) Lauksime daugiau nuotraukyčių iš šios serijos :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiIdiliška diena
AtsakytiPanaikintiit's my first time on your blog so i'm reaaly impressed. you're obviously talanted and i'm truly happy to find you here ;)
AtsakytiPanaikintiI found you on Flickr and I'am impressed. You are very talented person, I love the way join you my two passion - photography and cross stitching and crafts. You create a beautiful things and I will be wisiting your creative blog.
AtsakytiPanaikintiСовершенно потрясающие фотографии! Браво!!!