As visai neseniai atradau si blog'a. Ir labai del to dziaugiuosi. Labai grazios nuotraukos ir visi rankdarbiai nuostabus. Tiek daug ikvepino sekancioms kaledoms (na va, ir vel man negerai. Ka tik baigesi kaledos, o as jau laukiu kitu). Nuosirdziausi sveikinai uz grazius darbus ir ACIU, kad pasidalini su visais.
All the beautiful linen for all the beautiful homes!
About us
Fine Art Photography & Styling by Loreta and Elzė - mother and daughter. Please contact us if you would like to licence any of our photography for commercial, non-commercial, editorial or personal use. All photographs on this website are the exclusive property of Loreta Jasiukėnienė and Elze Jasiukėnaitė/ allthebeautifulthings and may not be reproduced without permission.
15 komentarų:
I love this little tree! It is so sweet and festive with your thread and green beads!!!
Koks gražus vainikas ir eglutė daili, ir nuotraukos mielos. :)
Thank you for sharing all your beautiful photographs. I loved "All the Beautiful Christmas". I look forward to your work and photos this coming year.
Ах, Лорета! Очень понравилось!
What a lovely tree, but your photos are excellent!
As visai neseniai atradau si blog'a. Ir labai del to dziaugiuosi. Labai grazios nuotraukos ir visi rankdarbiai nuostabus. Tiek daug ikvepino sekancioms kaledoms (na va, ir vel man negerai. Ka tik baigesi kaledos, o as jau laukiu kitu). Nuosirdziausi sveikinai uz grazius darbus ir ACIU, kad pasidalini su visais.
nu jau labai labai! su prieskoniu :)
ir įrėminta šauniai, dar daug turi nerodytų...
Елочка хороша!!!
Red tree or blue bird , I love all your fantastic work, it is a pleasure for me to visit your blog, I whish you a very happy and creative year !
Нет слов! :)
Thank you for all beautiful photos, and I wish you and your family a Happy New Year!
Lovely! And gorgeous photos to show it off.
That bow at the top is charming!
Labai simpatiska ir jauki :)
Labai labai graži eglutė :)
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