Ar jūs mėgstate mėlyną spalvą? Mano sesuo tikrai mėgsta, todėl nebuvo sunku sugalvoti, ką jai padovanoti Kalėdoms - pasiuvau jos Kalėdų eglutei mėlynų širdelių ir paukščiukų
Do you like blue color?
My sister likes blue color very much. That is why it was not hard to think of present for Cristmas to her. I made blue hearts and birds for her Christmas Tree
21 komentaras:
So does my sister. :) Happy New Year!
Ech, jei jau negalima į dukras užsirašyt, gal galima į seseris :D? Eglutė atrodo pasakiškai! Ir dėžutė kokia linksma gavosi ;)
labai grazu:)
Lovely!Happy new year!
My friend loves blue, too! It's so easy to find something for her...
fantastiška:) labai elegantiška ir gaiva!
Blue Christmas, how unusual:)
Happy New Year:)
Kokia gaivi mėlyna spalva. Akys jau truputėlį pavargo nuo raudonų atspalvių...
Sweet little blue bird :)
Kind present!
The blue Christmas tree is very beautiful! I love the hearts and birds you made, and the gingerbread looks lovely too! Happy New Year!
Mano spalvos, mano virvelės, mano dėželė - viskas mano svajonėse.
Ačiū už tokius pasakiškus vaizdus. Sėkmės!!!
Dear Loreta,
I do like the color of blue for many things: For little stitchings, in the garden, for my clothes!
But never before I thought I will see a christmas-tree-decoration in blue that I will find beautiful but you showed me one!! This birds and hearts in blue look very lovely!! Contratulation - a wonderful present!!
Many greetings from Austria
What a lovely present! I like color blue, this is not my favoutrite but seeing your pictures I like it more and more :)
How can you take so fine photos? What is your secret? Do you usually edit them with a software, like photoshop or any else? All of your photos are amazing and I really would like to learn something how can be as good photographer as you are :)
I love blue! =)
Beautiful photos :D
Blue is my favourite colour too!
Your sister was very lucky to receive a pretty box filled with blue birds and hearts!
I love blue--and I love the ornaments you made!
Thank you:)
Dear Nina,I'm taking photos using manual settings and in RAW format, and afterwards I edit them with PS.I'm sure you will learn it:)
Labai gražu ir jauku :) Chi, kažkur matyti meduoliai puikiai tiko mėlyniesiems gražuoliams į kompaniją - susidraugavo ant eglutės :) Superinės nuotraukos!
A beautiful blue Christmas. the little birds and hearts are beautiful. I love handmade things -they have love stitched into them.
Warm wishes Angela
I congratulate you on holidays and I invite with your fur-tree in my new blog http://needle In this blog I collect photos of the fur-trees decorated with toys of handwork.
Поздравляю Вас с праздниками и приглашаю с Вашей ёлочкой в мой новый блог . В этом блоге я собираю фотографии ёлочек, украшенных игрушками ручной работы.
Красивые, стильные украшения!
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