2009 m. gegužės 26 d., antradienis

Herb Garden (Little House Needleworks)

Herb Garden (Little House Needleworks)

Labai mėgstu prieskonines žoles ir auginu įvairiausias savo terasoje. Todėl niekaip negalėjau atsispirti LHN "Herb Garden"...

Herb Garden (Little House Needleworks)

I just love different herbs and I grow them on my terrace. Therefore I couldn't resist and started to stitch this wonderful design by LHN - Herb Garden...

Herb Garden (Little House Needleworks)
Spring Time
Herb Garden (Little House Needleworks)
Herb Garden (Little House Needleworks)

14 komentarų:

Theresa rašė...

I love this design, too~~

Nina rašė...

I also love it ;) The colors of the threads look amazing nice!

Márti rašė...

I love it, beautiful embroidery!

Ирина Синицина rašė...

Какая прелесть! У Вас чудесные фотографии! )))

Vaida rašė...

Nuostabus dizainas, taip ir kvepia vasara, žolelėmis...

orange/chocolate rašė...

I'm looking forward to see it finished!

Anonimiškas rašė...

Kokia bitelė graži! Lengvutė lengvutė, kad tik nenupūstų beskraidant terasoj... :)

Dovilė rašė...

prieskoninių žolelių kvapai, aromatas...

Carmen rašė...

lovely stitching, the pictures of your flowers and herb are pretty.

Brigitte rašė...

Very lovely stitching over one.

Yuko rašė...

Hi Loreta,
I have stitched this pattern before, but now I'm stitching this again for myself, too!!!
Wow, we are stitching same design at the same time! :D
I'm sure yours will be so beautiful!!!

Natasha-ND rašė...

уже второе лето я собираюсь вышить этот дизайн! И всё собираюсь. И собираюсь...Скорейшего окончания и оформления!

Szecsi rašė...

I love it, beautiful!

Jane rašė...

Beautiful work, Loreta. It's a lovely design. I just love that photo you've taken of the purple flower too! Brilliant!!!