Jessie jau gavo mano dovaną, tad galiu ją parodyti ir jums. Žinodama, kad ji mėgsta rausvą spalvą, pasirinkau šį rausvai pilką Tralala dizainą. Tikiuosi, mano daryta knygelė Jessie patiks.
Tralala " Maisons de campagne", Belfast Helles Khaki linen, DMC, GAST, Mill Hill beads
Jessie has already recieved my gift. I can now show it here. I know that she likes pink, so I decided to stitch this pink grey Tralala design. I hope that the notebook I made will be liked.
Happy Birthday, Jessie!
21 komentaras:
Красивый подарок!!!
Delicate, feminine :o)
нежно!!! Вот такой розовый я уважаю! И пуговки перламутровые как сюда подходят!
Thank you Loreta for your heartwarming birthday wishes and present. Yes, i like it very much! It's very pretty, just the colours i like. You have certainly put in so much effort and thoughts putting this beautiful piece together for me.
I always admire your notebook finishes and it feels great that now i have one specially from u :)
Lucky you, Jessie. This is gorgeous !!!
nuostabi dovana!!! man ir rausvos spalvos patinka:)
It's a wonderful gift, Loreta!
Ohhh, yes she like that!!!
Is really beautiful like all your works!
J'aime beaucoup votre blog et ce nouvel ouvrage est très joli Nathalie.
spalvos ir dizainas nuostabus o jau knygelė firminė, kas ir nesidžiaugtų:)
bet greit nukeliavo;)
very very beautiful! It's so pretty...
Another pretty notebook! Lucky Jessie...
Wonderful gift!! Gorgeous notebook!
A very pleasant present.
A lovely gift, Loreta!
Oho, kaip greitai nukeliavo! :)
Какой весенний и нежный блокнот! Лорета, как они мне нравяться, твои книжечки!
How lovely, its a wonderful gift for Jessie
What a wonderful gift to Jessie~
Lovely gift!
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