Dar visai neseniai jis buvo mažas pūkuotas kamuoliukas žydromis akimis
Elze's cat is one year old.
Not so long ago he was very small and fluffy cat with a sky blue eyes
He grew a little and started to fight with all different kind of enemies and he won:

Until he has become a beautiful independant cat - the lord of the house

10 komentarų:
Ale tokį naktį sutikt nenorėčiau... :)
Hi Loreta!
What a lovely kitty you have!
His blue eyes are so romantic and beautiful, indeed!
Oh he grew up so fast, but he is still beautiful!
I love the photos of him very much, made me feel warm!
Such a regal looking cat - so beautiful! I love cats very much.:) Lovely photos. A joy to see.
Ale Katinas tai tik nuotraukose švelnutis atrodo, šiaip tikras karalius :))))
Koks gražuolis tas MIA....
Oh, he's beautiful! He looks a lot like our Thomas-cat with his white bib, just gorgeous :)
Such a beautiful cat!
Кот - чудо! просто необыкновенный красавец!!!!
wonderful blue eyes for a very nice cat!
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