All the beautiful linen for all the beautiful homes!
About us
Fine Art Photography & Styling by Loreta and Elzė - mother and daughter. Please contact us if you would like to licence any of our photography for commercial, non-commercial, editorial or personal use. All photographs on this website are the exclusive property of Loreta Jasiukėnienė and Elze Jasiukėnaitė/ allthebeautifulthings and may not be reproduced without permission.
8 komentarai:
Dieve, kokia nuostabi fėja! Ir iš kur tu trauki tokias grožybes? :)
Vat, vat.. ir mane domina iš kur tie grožiai... :D
Man irgi ji panašesnė į angeliuką :) Graži bus dovana :)
Angelas sargas bus mergytei, labai švelnios ir mielos spalvytės
Kokia miela maža fėja...! Labai laukiu siuvinėjimo pabaigos!
So cute, and lovely soft colours.
Very pretty colours! Look forward to see when u complete.
Such a cute pattern!
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