2009 m. kovo 1 d., sekmadienis

Bloganniversary Giveaway


Na štai, mano blogui jau metai. Tiesą sakant, pirmąjį postą parašiau pernai vasario 29 dieną, bet visgi po šiokių tokių svarstymų nusprendžiau gimtadienį švęsti šiandien, o ne po trejų metų:)

Prieš metus pradėjau rašyti įkvėpta daugybės gražių blogų ir nė minties nebuvo, kad manasis be manęs pačios gali būti dar kam nors įdomus. Iki šiol man sunku patikėti, kad jūsų tiek daug - skaitančių ir komentuojančių mano blogą. AČIŪ AČIŪ AČIŪ Jums!

So it is my one year blog anniversary. My first post was last year on the 29th of february, but I have decided to celebrate the birthday today, not after three years:)

I have inspired by many beautiful blogs and had no idea that my blog could be interested for someone else, not just for me. It is still hard to believe that there are so many of you who are commenting and reading my blog. THANK YOU ALL!


Na, ir mažytė gimtadienio dovanėlė. Jei ji jums patinka, prašome palikti komentarą šiame poste iki kovo 7 dienos. Kovo 8 ją burtų keliu paaiškės, kam ji atiteks. Laukiami visi, nesvarbu, turite blogą ar ne, lankotės čia nuolat ar pirmąjį kartą. Dar kartą ačiū!

And finally a small birthday gift. If you would like to get it , please leave a comment in this post till the 7th of March and on the 8th on March I will anounce the winner. Everyone is welcome to participate, no matter if you have your own blog or not, visiting my blog or not. Thank you again!






139 komentarai:

Asta rašė...

aš pirma, aš pirma, aš pirma:)))))

Lavendelhaus rašė...

Congratulation to your first blog birthday.

BVirga rašė...
Autorius pašalino šį komentarą.
BVirga rašė...

Dear Loreta,

Happy birthday! :o)

It is absulutely not true that your blog is just for you!
Your works inspire me, love them!!

Please keep on stitching! ;o)))

Thank you for the blog!


Christine rašė...

Loreta, happy birthday to your blog!
I really love your blog, it is very nice and beautiful!

Christine from Slovakia

Катя (VladKa) rašė...

Поздравляю с годовщиной!!! Всегда с наслаждением любуюсь твоими работами и прекрасными фотографиями! Пусть Вдохновение не покидает тебя!

Anonimiškas rašė...

Happy Blogday !
I am a fan reader - as you know.
Beautiful things I will sure see whenever I visit your pages.
And I'll try my luck with the giveaway... :-)

Anonimiškas rašė...
Tinklaraščio administratorius pašalino šį komentarą.
Anonimiškas rašė...

Congratulations! I've only recently found your blog and am inspired by your beautiful work. Thank you for sharing.


Alexandrina rašė...

Лорета, люблю ваш блог! Хожу сюда за вдохновением и красотой.

Rima rašė...

Nuoširdžiai sveikinu! Linkiu dar daug daug gražių dalykų!

Anonimiškas rašė...

Happy Birthday to your blog, Loreta. It's such a gem !!! Congratulations and thank you for giving us such pleasure everytime we come and take a look at your stunning pictures !

Szecsi rašė...

I tell you thank you for being and how you create!

martimez rašė...

Happy birthday!
I like your blog ,your embroideries and your photos
Márta from Hungary

Maria Filomena rašė...

Por primeiro.... feliz aniversário... Happy Year.....Gosto muito do seu blog.... um grande abraço de Maria Filomena

Giulianadicuore rašė...

Hi Loreta!!
Happy blog anniversary!


Melissa rašė...

Happy Blog-anniversary, Loreta! Of course I would love to be included in the draw - thanks! Your stitching AND finishing are truly inspirational!

Anonimiškas rašė...

Felicidades en tu primer Blog-cumpleaños...
Besos desde España.

Vaivaj rašė...


nuoširdžiausi sveikinimai. Tai, kad tavo darbai iš tiesų vertinigi ir šilti, rodo, kiek skaitytojų kasdien pritrauki :-)
Linkiu, kad kūrybinė šviesa ir toliau taip žaviai ramiai šviestų ir šildytų tavo virtualių namučių svečius :-)

agus rašė...

Happy first blog's birthday !!!!

kss Agus

old_roses-memories rašė...

Congratulations to your blog birthday !
It is always a pleasure to visit you.

Many greetings


Olga rašė...

Happy Bloganniversary and many happy returns!
Thank you for sharing your art with us.

Jackie in UK rašė...

Hi Loreta,

Happy blogiversary! :-) I would love to be included in your drawer please.....

I popped over here to thank you as my friend Carol and I have spent a happy afternoon putting a book together by following your instructions. Thank you so very much, the instructions were very good indeed and we are pleased with our results today. I'll post a photo in a day or two on my blog. I'll let you know when I put the photo up in case you want to have a look. Naturally I will put a link back to your instructions from my page!

Thanks once again!

love Jackie x

IRRI style rašė...

Su geriausiais linkėjimais 1 - erių metukų proga !!! Daug ištikimų skaitytojų, neišsemiamo kūrybinio polėkio artimiausius nnnn metų ;)

Carol R rašė...

Happy Blogoversary Loreta!
Please enter me into your draw.

Ellen rašė...

Happy first blog birthday. Love your blog, you stitch beautifully. I would like to try my luck to win the birthday gifts.


Cindy F. rašė...

Beautiful banner pics! and funny pic of your daughter:)
Happy Blogaversary!!! Congrats!
Such beautiful gifts. Thank you for the opportunity to win:)

Elzė rašė...

me, me!:)

Meghann rašė...

I would love to win something you made. I always admire your finishes and your photography.


Bine rašė...

Congratulations on your blogaversary. I am so glad I found your blog last week. It is so inspiring to see all your stunning works!
It is so generous of you to offer such a delicate blogaversary gift. I would like to be included in the draw, please.


Very happy birthday to your blog!
It's always been a pure joy to visit it. Love your pictures!
Please continue your awesome work.

New York Dreamer Cross Stitch rašė...

happy b-day! everything you make it's beautiful.....lets hope that i'm lucky this time!
bye! Ezia.

bili rašė...

Я написала тебе письмо на почтовый ящик

Unknown rašė...

С днем рождения вашего блога :) Я очень часто захожу к вам полюбоваться на ваши вышивки и фотографии :) Поздравляю!

liten solstrolen rašė...

Happy blog Birthday!!!

Nina rašė...

Congratulations for your first blogoversary! I wish you having a lot of blogoversary in the future ;))
Keep stitching and showing us your wonderful photos!

Beautiful gifts, please enter me ;)

Valentina rašė...

Oi, oi, labai labai norim ;)

Su mintadieniu!!!

Theresa rašė...

Happy blogversary!!!! I enjoy reading our blog very much and love all your beautiful creations!!
Please enter me to the giveaway, thank you sooo much!!!!

Anna Zont rašė...

Поздравляю :)))
Давно и с удовольствием слежу за твоим блогом. Твои работы отличает тонкий вкус, и все твои фотографии имеют ярко выраженную индивидуальность.
Ты несешь другим вдохновение:)
Буду смотреть-читать и дальше :))))

Asta rašė...

aš vakar iš to džiaugsmo kad pirma pamačiau ir nepasveikinau su tortadieniu:)))
Sveikinu, sveikinu, sveikinu!!!
Neblėstančių kūrybinių minčių ir idėjų!!!

p.s. vynelio eisim ta proga?:)))

JolantoS rašė...

Prisidedu prie gausiu sveikinimu. Loreta! Tik gaila, kad nespejaui laiminguju gretas patekti ;-)!

Ruta Elze rašė...

Sveikinimai! O vasario 29 pradejai rasyt todel, kad butu kebliau veliau metus skaiciuot ir tikrasis blogo gimtadienis butu tik kas keturi metai? :D

Dovilė rašė...

kaip greitai tie metai apsuko ratą, atrodo tik pradėjai rašyti ir rodyti savo puikius darbus:)
sveikinu nuoširdžiausiai ir linkiu įkvėpimo naujoms idėjoms, gražių darbų ir nepaliauk mūsų džiuginti ne tik darbais bet ir nuostabiomis nuotraukomis:)

o vynas būtinai, susitinkam!

Lvica rašė...

Happy birthday to your blog!:)

Aušrinė rašė...

Su gimtadieniu :)Tegul neapleidžia mūza.

olla rašė...

Congrats on your anniversary!
Thanks for magic moments I have while reading and watching your blog:)

Jane rašė...

You've inspired us with your exceptional stitching and finishing. Thanks and happy blog birthday!

Ilona rašė...

Tavo blogas dvelkia šiluma, ramybe ir romantika... Linkiu niekada to neprarasti.

Vaida rašė...

Sveikinimai su pirmuoju gimtadieniu :)

O tokių dovanų tai būtų nuodėmė atsisakyti :D

Daivuke rašė...

Sveikinu su pirmuoju gimtadieniu :) Labai gražus blog'as.Sužavėta nuotraukomis ir darbeliais.O gimtadienio dovanėlės - tai super.Kaip šarkai blizgučiai, taip mane traukia turkio spalva.negaliu atsižiūrėt :)
Geros nuotaikos ir kūrybos ateinančiais metukais :)

Ana Salom rašė...


Anonimiškas rašė...

Pažiūrėjus į pirmą nuotrauką jau galvojau, kad Unę atiduosi :)))

Įrašyk ir mane! Aš taip ir išsilydžiau nuo tos rudos pagalvėlės su turkio ornamentu :)

Ir, beje - kad sekantys metai būtų ne prastesni :)

corry rašė...

Happy birthday to your blog! A year past by fast..doesn't it? Thank you for your wonderful blog and sharing inspiration with us all, up to many next years!

nuria rašė...

Congratulations for your blog!
I really love your photos!


Alice rašė...

Happy First Anniversary in the blogging world Loreta. Your blog is super and we all love following it. The photo of your daughter is very original. : )) Please enter me for your draw. I would love to own something your crafty hands made.

Anonimiškas rašė...

Pirmiausia sveikinu Jūs su pirmuoju gimtadieniu!;) Linkiu naujų įdėjų sukurti, pridaryti daug gražių darbelių.

Labai norėčiau gauti jūsų dovanėlių, nes niekada negavau iš patyrusios siuvinėtojos. Labai norėčiau pamatyti gyvai. Esu Jūsų didelė gerbėja, dažnai čia lankiausi. Ačiū, kad sukūrėte į blog'ą;)

Melinda rašė...

Happy birthday to your wonderful blog!!! Yours is one of the most beautiful blogs I've ever seen!:)

Keep stitching!;))

Tatyana (tookie) rašė...

Поздравляю с годовщиной!!! И Ваш блог совершенно не зря один из самых посещаемых и любимых! Столько красоты и изящества! Вдохновения Вам, и побольше совбодного времени

Yuko rašė...

Happy Bloganniversary, Loreta!!
I'm so happy to found your blog and your wonderfully talented friends' blogs this year!!
You are so talented and I really love your works and your photos and your sweetie!!!

Please count me in the drawing!



daniela rašė...

Your blog is marvellous...


Anonimiškas rašė...

Su gimtadieniu :))) Esu nebylusis tavo blogo ziurovas, man jis niu labai labai patinka. :)

Annemiek rašė...

Oh please count me in, I have been looking at your notebooks for a long time now and need to find the courage to make one myself.

ElenaZ rašė...

C днем рождения! твой блог - красивый альбом, который я люблю рассматривать просто так, чтобы на что-нибудь полюбоваться, подкрасить глаза. И сегодня - любимейшее сочетание цветов, и снова все так красиво, как быть и должно! Лорета, спасибо тебе, что ты это делаешь, желаю твоему блогу долгой жизни и множества радостных открытий!

tintocktap rašė...

Congratulations on your first year of blogging! Your stitching is always so beautiful, it's a pleasure to visit your blog. I'd love to be included in your draw too!

Nicole rašė...

Happy Blogiversary!! I enjoy your beautiful blog and beautiful pictures so much! You have a real talent!

Unknown rašė...

I recently found your blog, and I am so inspired by all of the beautiful things you create.

Debra in NC

Poly rašė...

Поздравления одному из самых моих любимых блогов!

staci rašė...

Happy Blogiversary! I love your blog...your handwork and your photos are always so inspiring!

Agnė rašė...

Sveikinu su blogadieniu :) Ir tikiuosi, kad gal netyčia pasiseks...

Anonimiškas rašė...

I would love to be included in your draw! I love your work and your blog. Happy bloggoversary!

Anonimiškas rašė...

įtariu, kad be šansų, bet vis tiek :D

Unknown rašė...

Loretuk, tikiuosi, netrukus sita grazu gimtadieni atsvesim.:)

Casa Cuori Colori rašė...

Congratulations for your first blog anniversary: is always a pleasure to visit your blog and your works inspire me, I love them!

Anonimiškas rašė...

Congratulation to your first blog birthday. I really like your stitching, and the notebooks are *must have*.
Hugs EVA

Anonimiškas rašė...

Congratulation to your first blog birthday. I really like your stitching, and the notebooks are *must have*.
Hugs EVA

naminukas rašė...

Sveikinu su metukais, gražus didelis- mažas jubiliejus. Ačiū, kad esate, kad kuriate, kad rašotės ir... dalinatės šiais gėriais su mumis!!!
P.S. ir aš registruojuos į būry, norinčių gražiųjų dovanų dovanėlių, xixi ;)

Unknown rašė...

Happy birthday at your blog!! It's really impossible to be not inspired at ypur beautiful blog and creations!!

Antonella rašė...

Hi, I was surfing the net and I discover you. Congratulation for your one year's blog !!! I saw may beautiful things inside your blog and I will put you in my links and visit you again. So please to meet you and Happy Blog birthday again.

Márti rašė...

Congratulations! Your blog, photos and your needleworks are wonderful!!! These presents are also really nice, like your other masterpieces!

Maggitle rašė...

Hello Andrea.
Congratulations and thank you very much for your blog and all the inspirations that you always give out so freely!

H O L L Y rašė...

Your blog is one of my favorites! I check it often to see all of your gorgeous stitching and finishing.


Adriana Ortiz rašė...

Happy Bloganniversary Loreta !!

I allways read your blos,I love your work,specialy the books.

And I will love to participate in the giveaway, thank you.

Yuko rašė...

Hi Loreta,
I just passed an award to you.
Please visit my blog, when you have time!



samplerlover rašė...

Just discovered your beautiful blog. Congratulations on your 1st birthday. - - Sandra.

Edita rašė...

Fantastika! Nori nenori tokiom spalvom pavasarį prisišaukti galima!

zirzyle rašė...

Kaip gi galima nenorėt? :)

szisze rašė...

Hi Loreta!

I love your blog, your photos, your works!

Happy Birthday!

Carol R rašė...

You have an Award - please visit my blog!

Anonimiškas rašė...

O Dieve mano, kaip čia gražu!!!! visai atsitiktinai radau šį blog'ą ir dar pataikiau ant gimtadienio :) kažkas nerealaus. net siuvinėt užsimaniau :)sėkmės toliau kuriant tokį grožį... einu toliau dairytis čia... ir būtinai užsiprenumeruosiu naujienas ;)sėkmės didžiausios!!!
Bite maja

Anonimiškas rašė...

congralutations.I like your blog embroideries and your photos.

Tanya-Yanata rašė...

Happy AMAZING blog anniversary, Loreta!
You blog for me is a sample of the great taste and style! I'm so exited having this possibility to have something delicate made by your hands.Thank you for that!
kind regards,Tanya

rugiagele rašė...

Happy Birthday and I wish you many many returns of the day!
I never tried stiching though your blog is never the less inspiring to me for the wormth you send through your wonderfull words, comments, photos...

Pike rašė...

Congrats, and yes, I would love to get those! So beautiful!


Edige rašė...

What a wonerful presents! I read your blog, but don't leave any comment... since now.
Happy Birthday to your blog!
Edith form Hungary

Unknown rašė...

Labas, Loreta,
galima sakyt, kad tavo subtilus, skoningas blogas su nuostabių darbų nuotraukom įkvėpė ir man startuoti su savuoju :)
sveikinu iš visos širdies ir linkiu, kad įkvėpimo fėjos nenustotų plazdenti virš tavo darbo stalo :)
linkėjimai nuo Patricijos

Anonimiškas rašė...

Congratulations from a just born blogger!
Your photos are beautiful. Although the language divide us (I'm Italian), your pictures are able to communicate better than many words.

Susimac rašė...

Congratulations on your 1st blogiversary. I am so glad that I found your blog as it gives me much pleasure and inspiration.

Please can I be added to your draw.

Marija rašė...

Loreta, su "mažuoju" gimtadieniu :)Ir didelis ačiū, už tokį gražų, įkvėpiantį, turtingą blogą, jis tikra atgaiva :) Lauksim didelio didelio torto :)

Anonimiškas rašė...

Happy bloganniversary! I love reading your blog with all the beautiful cross stitch! Please enter me in you giveaway.

mary rašė...

Happy Blogoversary! Your blog is lovely and has been a favorite of mine. Your finishes are inspiring and your photos are beautiful. My daughter (10) also enjoys seeing your daughter in her lovely pictures. Kindred spirits, I think.


♥ Sari ♥ rašė...

Happy Birthday! Count me in! :)

Girl with Violin rašė...

Loreta!Happy anniversary!!!THANK YOU for your stylish and unique blog!!!

absurd girl rašė...

Congratulations! I like your blog very much! Wish you more intresting ideas!

Stef rašė...

Happy 1st blogiversary!!! Thank you for such a beautiful blog, I have enjoyed it immensley and wish you many more years!!!

elina rašė...

Loreta, happy birthday to your blog!
I really love your blog, it is very nice and beautiful!
Elena from Slovakia

norcsella rašė...

Happy birthday to your blog! Your needleworks, photos, blog are beautiful. The gifts are wonderful.

Kryx rašė...

Happy birthday to your blog. Please enter me to your drawing. :)

Rūta rašė...

Tik nesustok rašyti blog'o, nes jį paskaičius atsiranda įkvėpimas. Ačiū, kad esi ir įkvepi :*♥

Hazel rašė...

Oh wow! I have just found your blog through CarolR and it is beautiful! So many nice things. I would love to be entered into your drawing please. xx

olga rašė...

Sveikinam su pirmuoju jubiliejumi .Linkim ir toliau dziuginti mus nuostabiais darbais.Atradom jusu bloga aplinkiniais keliais ir labai tuo dziaugiames .Sekmes

Conny rašė...

Dear Loreta,
congratulations for your first anniversary.
I'm sure that there will be a lot of years in future.

Natasha-ND rašė...
Autorius pašalino šį komentarą.
Natasha-ND rašė...

Упс...восстанавливаю комментарий, но сперва допишу главное - очень рада нашему знакомству, многому учусь и с удовольствием слежу за всеми обновлениями в блоге. С новорожденным, Лорета :о)!
"А вот скажи, куда смотрели мои глаза?????? Ведь пропустила бы, ну точно пропустила бы!"

Gabriela rašė...

happy birthday blog!!. Im follower of your blog, and i like so much.When i can, came to visit.Good Luck.

Anonimiškas rašė...

Congrat son your blog

Anonimiškas rašė...

Happy bloganniversary :)
I love your beautiful blog - your photography and your stitching - they are so lovely, your blog has the perfect name for what you will find inside :)

Carolyn rašė...

Congratulations, Loreta on your blog birthday. I so enjoy reading your blog and seeing all of your beautiful stitching, including your giveaway. I would LOVE to enter and own a piece of your gorgeous handiwork!


Ulla rašė...

Congratulatios! Pleas enter my name in the drawing!

Lady Blackbird rašė...

I love your blog with all the beautiful things in it! Your photos are so great and your stitching and finishing skills are wonderful... Thank you for blogging and sharing these things with us!

Anonimiškas rašė...

Congratulation!!!!! Buon compleanno blog!!!! Baci Enza xxx

Anonimiškas rašė...

Dear Loreta!
Congratulations, for your blog!It is one of my favourite, I love it!

Timici rašė...

Loreta, happy birthday!:o)
I am first time here, but I will can back again;o) Your giveaway is fantastic, I would like it!:o)
hugs, Timici from Hungary

Jennifer Blake rašė...

Loreta, I enjoy reading your blog and looking at your work. I would love the oppotunity to win some of it.

Ahama rašė...

Happy birthday! Very nice presents:)
another Marta from Hungary

Anonimiškas rašė...

congratulations on your blogoversary Loreta, I'm glad I have found your blog,your stitching and finishing is super!
please enter me into your kind giveaway


la.lluna.d.abril rašė...

Congratulations, I know your blog from december 2008, and is a greatful look inside every day.
Happy birthday!!!!
Kisses and huggs from Barcelona

The Purple Thread rašė...

Just beautiful....I would love to have your gifts and appreciate them with the love that made them and the adventure to put them here and connect with so many wonderful women....
Good for you!

Phyllis rašė...

Happy blogversary! What beautiful pictures of your needlework and children. It inspires stitchers all around the world. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks.

Melinda rašė...

Hi Loreta!
Happy birthday to your blog!
Melinda from Hungary

Silvia LGD (Little Green Doll) rašė...

Congratulations for your first blog anniversary!! I hope there will be more. Your work is so nice!

Anonimiškas rašė...

Congrats! I'm from Hong Kong, I love all your beautiful cross stitches and wonderful pictures!
From your blog, it's good to let me know the Author of your kit or book, I can search it from the web and order it, though the shipping is expensive. Thank you !

Anonimiškas rašė...

here is my email addr helina@net-yan.com (forgot to give you in the last message)

Elizabeth MacGregor-Kirkcaldy rašė...

Oh, you have such a beautiful blog with such lovely stitching and finishing!!! Please enter me in your wonderful drawing, Andrea... I would be honoured to win such lovely stitchery! :-)

Digital Misfit rašė...

Happy bloganniversary!
Your blog is lovely.
Thank you for holding this giveaway filled with so many beautiful treasures.


Unknown rašė...

Congratulations on your first year of blogging!

Your stitching is lovely! I would love to be the recipient of your prizes. :)

Szentpyr rašė...

Dear Loretta,

Your works and photos always charm me! Thanks for the opportunity and happy birthday!


baboo rašė...

dear Loreta, happy anniversary to you!
your works are so lovely and this giveaway is kind as well!

Zsófi rašė...

Happy birthday to your blog!

Unknown rašė...

miela Loreta,
su gimtadieniu!!! tiek daug graziu darbu ir emociju per toki trumpa laika ir kiek stebetinai daug zmoniu sugebejai cia suburti, kurie zavisi tavo darbais ir lankosi tavo blog'e.
linkiu ir toliau skleisti savo siltas emocijas, talenta, meistriskuma, zaveti ir ikvepti savo blog'o skaitytojus

labai zavus prizas, mielai dalyvausiu loterijoje :)