So a beautiful finish!! I love your new banner: I would like to change mine but I've some technical problems: it's impossible to change the colours...sob sob... Greetings, Claudia
All the beautiful linen for all the beautiful homes!
About us
Fine Art Photography & Styling by Loreta and Elzė - mother and daughter. Please contact us if you would like to licence any of our photography for commercial, non-commercial, editorial or personal use. All photographs on this website are the exclusive property of Loreta Jasiukėnienė and Elze Jasiukėnaitė/ allthebeautifulthings and may not be reproduced without permission.
18 komentarų:
very very nice!!!Molto, molto bello!!! Enza xxx
Soo cute!
Лорета, как замечательно вы передаете прекрасное в своих фотографиях! Красиво!
Loreta! WOW!! Love your new banner pic! How pretty and fun!
And love your new beautiful finish!
You always find the most beautiful frames for your gorgeous pieces!
Labai gražu!
Patinka ir man Spragtukas, kaip tik savaitgalį net keliskart klausėmės Čaikovskio Spragtuko.
As always, so beautiful stitching and framing!
As well as your photos!
How fast stitcher you are!
Wow,what a beautiful stitching and the frame!
nuostabus Spragtukas ir rėmai idealiai tinka, taip šventiška ir gražu
Fantastiškai gražus ir šiltas darbas! Ir aš tokio mergaitėms noriu ♥ ☺ O rėmų grožis... Man taip patinka tas rusų filmukas apie Spragtuką ♥
Fantastika... Viskas kaip tikroje pasakoje
Oi, kaip gražu! Ir nuotraukos fantastiškai nuotaiką perduoda, atrodo, lyg Hofmano knygoj būtum atsidūręs :)
It's gorgeous, I love it!
Beautiful works and beautiful framed!
So a beautiful finish!! I love your new banner: I would like to change mine but I've some technical problems: it's impossible to change the colours...sob sob...
Greetings, Claudia
Laaabai gražus rėmas. Net susilydžiau :)
very very niceeeee!!
ciao Mary
"The Nutcracker" is so Christmasy bright. The frame matches it so nicely.
Nuostabu. :)
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