Kiek metų siuvinėju, tiek kariauju su rėmintojais. Siuvinėtų darbų rėminti jie visiškai nemoka.
Būtinai padaro ką nors ne taip. Dažniausiai netempia, o priklijuoja. Užtat koks džiaugsmas, kai
pasiseka rasti rėmintoją, mėgstantį ir išmanantį savo darbą.Toks yra Kastantas, ir čia jo rėmintos LHN braškės. Malonu žiūrėti ne tik į gerąją, bet ir į bogąją pusę.
Įdomu, ar čia tik Lietuvoje taip ar ir kitose šalyse tos pačios problemos.
Merginos, kaip sekasi rėminti jums?
Little House Needleworks "Strawberries"
I am stitching for years now and as long as I am doing it it is always war with people who frame the works. It seems that they do not know how to frame. They allways do something wrong.
Usually they do not stretch but glue things.
That is why it was such joy to find the person who frames works with professional atitude and
who likes his job. This is Kastantas framed LHN "Strawberries". It is pleasure to see the work
from both sides.
It would be interesting to know if the same issues arise in other countries also.
So girls how is it going with framing?
Cosy 'Fika' at Home on the New Iconic PK1 chair
Prieš 13 valandų
9 komentarai:
Kaip visada gražu! Jau trūksta net žodžių...
O jau kita pusė!!! Pasakiška :D O kur tokį radai?
gražumėlis :)
tikrai gerą meistrą radom...
I have had the same problem here in the UK, but have now found a wonderful framer - even though he is 250 miles from my home is is worth the journey to get there.
I love your strawberries its really is pretty.
Loreta, aš vis galvoju, kada gi tau kantrybė truks ir pati pradėsi rėmintis? Tiek visko pati darai, ir dar taip puikiai, tai ko gi ir neapsitempus kartono pačiai? Juk nesunkiau nei pinkeep'as... ;D
WOW I love the frame !
The choice of frames is the problem here in Australia. There's very little with a bit of character or design to them. I'm in the process of trying to find a new framer myself.
Your Strawberries has turned out great!
I have a professional framer in here Hungary. He always try to do his best for framing needlewroks. The cases 95% faultless.
I tell him that he should pay attention to the thread direction always, and discounting 2 of my pictures am being satisfied.
My picture was framed by at least 30 already.
I think I'm lucky :)
Aš jau kaupiu darbus ir reiks prašytis supažindinamai su Meistru :)
Yes, we have that problem here too. Most times I will lace my own but if it's a really big project, I do have a wonderful framer that will do it for me :o)
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