2008 m. rugsėjo 17 d., trečiadienis


Dar vienas paukščiukas iš Tinos Richards Herman "Sweet Heart"

One more little birdy from Tina Richards Herman "Sweet Heart"

17 komentarų:

  1. Very lovely and sweet colours Loreta!
    i love the little florals u added on the fabric!

  2. Oi, koks mielas paukščiukas ir koks gražus darbelis. Nuostabios pastelinės spalvos!

  3. Paukščiukas puikus, bet vat kitos pusės medžiagėlė - išvis nepakartojama! Nu taip man gražu tie pasiuvinėjimai...

  4. Loreta, thank you for dropping by my blog and left your sweet comment :)
    The music on my blog is "Eternity", piano piece by Vineyard. Me too love its soothing melody~

  5. Thanx for leaving a comment on my blog. Your work is absolutely beautiful. I'm slowly going through your blog and have added you to my Google Reader. I'll visit again for sure!

  6. ne, baigiu nagus iš pavydo nusigraužt - kaip tau tokie dailūs maži dalykėliai taip greit gaunasi...

  7. Cute! And I must ask, where did you get that checked fabric that you stitched the flower on? It is really beautiful! Do you know of a place to buy it on-line? I really must have it!

  8. Hello,

    I just visit your blog and I find it very lovely. Congratulations.

  9. I am sorry Linda, but this fabric I bought at flea market...

  10. Oh well :) Can't blame a girl for asking! It sure is pretty though!

  11. Lovely - and I love the extra details on the back with the extra stitching to show the flowers - very elegant.

  12. с удовольствием ещё раз прогулялась по твоему блогу и обнаружила, что очень многих работ не помню! Всё-таки здесь, в блоге, мне гораздо интересней бродить, чем в простых альбомах вроде нашего фликра :о)
