Elzės Katinui - metai su trupučiu.
Dar visai neseniai jis buvo mažas pūkuotas kamuoliukas žydromis akimis
Elze's cat is one year old.
Not so long ago he was very small and fluffy cat with a sky blue eyes
Paaugęs narsiai kovojo su visokiais priešais ir juos nugalėjo:
He grew a little and started to fight with all different kind of enemies and he won:
Kol išaugo į gražuolį nepriklausomą katiną - namų valdovą
Until he has become a beautiful independant cat - the lord of the house
From Dated to Dreamy: Jennie-Ann's Swedish Farmhouse Renovation
Prieš 18 valandų
10 komentarų:
Ale tokį naktį sutikt nenorėčiau... :)
Hi Loreta!
What a lovely kitty you have!
His blue eyes are so romantic and beautiful, indeed!
Oh he grew up so fast, but he is still beautiful!
I love the photos of him very much, made me feel warm!
Such a regal looking cat - so beautiful! I love cats very much.:) Lovely photos. A joy to see.
Ale Katinas tai tik nuotraukose švelnutis atrodo, šiaip tikras karalius :))))
Koks gražuolis tas MIA....
Oh, he's beautiful! He looks a lot like our Thomas-cat with his white bib, just gorgeous :)
Such a beautiful cat!
Кот - чудо! просто необыкновенный красавец!!!!
wonderful blue eyes for a very nice cat!
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