Ačiū Jennifer Jackson už suteiktą garbę spausdintis žurnalo "Artful Blogging" vasaros numeryje. Žurnalas daugiau nei nuostabus!
I have been published in the summer issue of Artful Blogging magazine.
Thank you Jennifer Jackson for the opportunity to get on this wonderful magazine!
20 komentarų:
Sveikinu! Labai smagu ir grazu! Aciu kad dalinates groziu ir ikvepiant gyvenimui!
Congratulations!!! You deserve it!!!
sveikinu Loreta:)
How wonderful! You deserve it!!! I can't wait to get this issue!!!
Congratulations...but you deserve it! Your photos are always so beautiful!!!
My congrats!
Many Congratulations! It is well deserved! I'll have to see where I can find this issue!
You definitely deserve that!!! :)
x Kristin
Отлично! Поздравляю с очередной публикацией.
Congratulations!!!! Fully deserved publication. Your blog is just amazing. Every time you post something, you make my day. So thank you for that and all the best for you and your loved ones.
That was a gorgeous feature that you so deserved! Love it. Congratulations!
Parabéns! é com grande carinho que vejo seu trabalho publicado. Belas fotos. Sucesso sempre!
I'm not suprised, your blog is one of my favourites- beautiful, delicate, inspiring! I love your work! Congratulations!!!
I'm happy for you! I loved reading more about you! It was fun to share an issue with you - I'm in there, too. :)
You are so talented & are one of my very favorite photographers!! Your daughter is soooo beautiful.. you must be so proud!! :))
I just got my copy yesterday, Loreta. It's a beautiful article! Congratulations! xo – g
Congratulations on being featured! I always love seeing your beautiful photos.
Congratulations! Your photos are always beautiful, amazing!
Nora from "SeelenSachen"
I see that Blogger deleted my comment so I will leave it again, Loreta.
I just got my copy of Artful Blogging and was thrilled to see your work in there! It's beautiful and so well deserved. Congratulations!
xo Georgianna
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