2010 m. lapkričio 10 d., trečiadienis

Pilze (acufactum) II

Pilze (acufactum)

Pilze (acufactum) II, White Belfast Linen, DMC

Pilze (acufactum)
Pilze (acufactum)
Pilze (acufactum)

8 komentarai:

Barbara rašė...

lovely little red things...will stay here...and ....dreaming..
greetings barbara

Mazi.stebuklai rašė...

Labai dailu!

Larek rašė...


Falaxy rašė...

you have a beautiful blog, loved looking at all the pictures! : )

Dovilė rašė...


Vaida rašė...

Linksmi grybukai :)), o jau ta taškuota medžiagėlė - pasaka

Devon rašė...

Those are so cute,,,I have a question,,,how do you get your fabric so smooth looking without wrinkles??And happy birthday to your daughter,,,

Regina rašė...

these are beautiful!