Po kalėdinių dizainų su didžiuliu malonumu ir labai greit išsiuvinėjau šį semplerį. Įrėminau pati ir rezultatu likau patenkinta:)
Blackbird Designs "Mary E. Higdon 1851", DMC White linen, DMV, GAST, 126x122
My first finished sampler this year, I have framed it by myself:)
27 komentarai:
Нет, ну ты мне скажи, вот как можно так жить? Как можно смотреть на твою вышивку и эти чудные фотографии и не любоваться??? Великолепно, Лорета!
That's beautiful! I've never seen this design before and I'm a big Blackbird Designs fan - I must go and track it down!
You changed the birds' colour, didn't you ? It looks great this way. I have the chart in my BBD collection, I should put it on my 2009 project list. Good job with the framing, it looks fantastic.
This is gorgeous!!!!! Love the frame, too~~
Loreta, muito bonitos.... Passo sempre por cá para ver esses trabalhos tão belissimos..... Beijos Maria Filomena
Kokie paukščiukai!!! Toks gražus tas jų margumas, o dar uogytės...
Labai gražus šitas darbas - rėminimas, linas, siūlų spalvos, motyvai, - viskas tokį gražų derinį sudaro!
Very nice-I've not seen it either, and it's lovely!
Hi. What a beautiful job. I love all your pictures.
Can you tell me what is the design on the top right corner the pillow that says love 1724. I really love this and would like to stitch it. I have never seen this design.
Very very pretty, Loreta! I think you must've made some colour changes as I thought this was a one colour design. It's gorgeous!
man ie tie paukščiukai iš Bordeaux regiono atrodo nereliai:))))
Both your stitching and framing are gorgeous!
man irgi vienas gražiusių semplerių, raidės apgaubtos paukštelių giesmės...ir rėmas idealiai tinka, elegantiška ir prabangu.
Kaip subtilu... O paukščiukai tai visai amą atima :)
Beautifulbeautifulbeautiful!!!!! :)
I always wait excited your posts because your photos are so wonderful!
Like now... I can't stop see your pictures :))
Обожаю алфавиты! А от фотографий такое шикарное ощущение! Браво!
Да... Это чудо! Фотографии с историей, запахами, живой жизнью... Как в кино! Красиво... Все красиво: и работы, и рамы, - всего не перечислишь! Огромное эстетическое и романтическое удовольствие!
Great framing job and a wonderful sampler.
The piece and your frame are beautiful! I think I need to track this design down too.
Šito aš noriu!!!
Thank you for your lovely coments!
I have changed some colors:)
Melita, it is "Love" by "Carriage House Samplings":)
Atrodo, kas gali bebūt neįdomiau - raidės... O koks puikus darbas!
Beautifully stitched and framed and photographed, as always your work is sheer inspiration.
Very lovely blog ! Thanks for my eyes !
Very lovely blog ! Thanks for my eyes !
Very lovely blog ! Thanks for my eyes !
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